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Peak Performance Again!

P-Shot: Effective Sexual Health Treatment

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Studies suggest that roughly one-third of men endure the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

The P Shot (Priapus shot) can be a great option for men with ED or other sexual health concerns. The P Shot can also address issues such as:

  • Soft erections
  • Difficult having or sustaining an erection
  • Low libido
  • Lack of sensation
  • Painful erections
  • Reduced stamina
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Frequently Asked Questions

How long do results last?

Results can last for 12 to 18 months. The endurance of this treatment means it is more affordable for many men.

When do results peak?

The results of your treatment will generally peak after about three to four months after your initial treatment. Some men with more serious conditions may not enjoy peak results for at least six months.

How many treatments will you need?

The number of treatments required to achieve your ideal results depends on the severity of your condition. On average, most men require three to six treatments. These treatments are a few weeks apart, so your progress can be monitored over the course of your treatment plan.

How frequently should you have the priapus shot?

Many men prefer to have annual treatments to maintain their results. Ideally, your maintenance appointments should be once every 12 to 18 months as necessary.

What should you expect from your treatment?

The Priapus shot is an injectable treatment that uses your body’s own natural regenerative properties to improve symptoms of male sexual dysfunction. This treatment is performed by injecting PRP (platelet-rich plasma) into the tissues of the penis to kickstart the natural healing process. PRP is a type of restorative medicine that is known to help regrow healthy tissues because the plasma in your blood contains rich natural healing properties.

What should you expect from your treatment?

The Priapus shot is an injectable treatment that uses your body’s own natural regenerative properties to improve symptoms of male sexual dysfunction. This treatment is performed by injecting PRP (platelet-rich plasma) into the tissues of the penis to kickstart the natural healing process. PRP is a type of restorative medicine that is known to help regrow healthy tissues because the plasma in your blood contains rich natural healing properties.

We will draw a small amount of blood and separate your plasma from your red blood cells in a special centrifuge. Once the PRP is prepared, an injection of the solution will be made into the affected tissues. Overall, your appointment will take about 30 minutes to complete.

Discreet Treatment

Privacy is our policy. We offer ED Treatment at our JW Holland Wellness clinic office in Tulsa, making it convenient for you to receive treatment in our private patient rooms. You don’t wait in a waiting room, and you can even enter and exit through a private entrance if needed.

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